
Show Report: Dressage & Eventing Schooling Show
June 24 & 25, 2006

By Sonia Melko

“Summer lovin’ happened so fast; Summer lovin’ had me a blast” and we were off!  My first experience in a Dressage Freestyle Musical Pas de Deux definitely had me “a blast!”  Another SFHA member, Asja Praetor, and I created a 2nd Level Dressage pairs ride to the music from the movie “Grease!”  For the part of Danny Zuko, Asja rode a tall, dark and handsome gelding named Lucky and for Sandra Dee, I rode a smaller, sassy gray mare named Graysee.  We had a good time creating this performance, setting the music and then putting it all together.  The crowd seemed to enjoy the show as much as we did, and I even heard a few laughs when we “imitated” a dance move from John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John!

The show was the first Dressage/Eventing/Jumping schooling show held at Moss Beach Ranch this summer.  We had a solid turnout, with some competitors coming in from the East Bay and stabling overnight for the full weekend, and other competitors coming in one day only for either the Dressage or the Jumping.  Saturday was the Dressage competition, which included Eventing Dressage tests, USDF Dressage tests, pas de deux rides, and even offered classes for Western Dressage!  Everyone did quite well, with positive comments from the judge and great support from the “Rail Birds.” 

Sunday was a perfect day, just cool enough for the horses, and warm enough for some folks to wear shorts! The Eventing competition began first, traveling over trails with natural and artificial jumps testing a rider’s control and a horse’s boldness and willingness, as well as the athleticism of both.  Personally, some of those jumps looked BIG, but Graysee sure seemed to like the Beginner Novice staircase jump and loved the run up the hill to the log pile jump!  We also got to cheer on a number of our buddies on the Elementary course (smaller jumps often found on a trail ride), plus a Novice level ride over the truly big jumps.  Everyone was well prepared and our volunteer jump judges did a great job!

After the lunch break (thanks for the complimentary coffee, Rich!), we competed in the final test for these equine tri-athletes.  The Stadium Jumping, with standard poles and unfixed obstacles.  This is the true test of heart, willingness and fitness, when the horse is asked to maneuver through a jump course which requires precision riding, communication between horse and rider, and that “little extra” effort to pick up those hooves to clear a rail without knocking it down.  The course was fantastic and it was personally Graysee’s and mine best jumping round – ever!  There were options for flying changes over jumps, strange-looking jumps, stride lengthenings and shortenings, great footing and we never ran out of room in the arena, even with all of the jumps set up in it!   What a great ride!  I am still grinning about it even as I type this!  The “Rail Birds” even got involved, creating signs for their favorite riders to flash as they cantered past.  Then there was the traditional “Victory Lap” for everyone who earned a ribbon – on foot and over – or under – one of the jumps!

Great horses, a good challenge, fun people! One FANTASTIC weekend!

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